The RSAT (Remote Server Administration Toolkit) for Windows 7 is a great tool for managing all of the services running on our network. One thing that's bugged me for a while, however, is the inability to add a new computer account to the server using a GUID for imaging. By default, the remote install tab is missing when you look at a computer object, and when creating a new object you don't get the opportunity to type one in. So instead of doing my management from my custom mmc, I have to remote connect to the server, fire up the AD mmc there, and add the account - not a huge deal, but just annoying.
I decided to root around for a solution today and found one. I'm assuming you've already installed the RSAT on your machine and have enabled the Deployment Services tools in the Windows Features dialog.
1. Copy the following file from the server to the exact same spot on your machine (the server must have the same architecture (32 or 64 bit) as your machine):
2. From an elevated command prompt on your machine, run the following:
regsvr32 imadmui.dll
That's it! You'll now see the remote install tab in your mmc and be able to create computer accounts with a GUID.
Posted by Mike at 9:33 AM
Our school website uses Joomla 1.5, a great free CMS platform. We recently had a student use the contact form on the site to send a fake e-mail to a teacher. To my surprise, none of the e-mail information was logged on the site. Joomla relays the mail using our exchange server, so the message tracking there showed nothing but a message sent by the web server. After some searching, I found a little change that can be made that adds the sender's IP address directly into the body of the e-mail.
At line 157 of joomla\components\com_contact\controller.php, change the subject line from
$body = $prefix."\n".$name.' <'.$email.'>'."\r\n\r\n".stripslashes($body);
$body = $prefix."\n".$name.' ('.getenv('REMOTE_ADDR').' - '.gethostbyaddr(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')).')' ."\r\n\r\n".stripslashes($body);
We can then track them down if they are a user in the school.
Posted by Mike at 3:48 PM